Monday, April 20 2020
Fashion Revolution Week

24th April marks the eight-year anniversary of the 2013 Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh. The clothing factory collapsed and killed 1133 and leftover 2500 injured. We're joining Fashion Revolution in their movement to call for a fairer, safer, cleaner fashion industry.
The week of 19th – 25th of April is Fashion Revolution Week, which is a global movement involving over 100 countries worldwide and encouraging consumers to ask brands #whomademyclothes.
#whomademyclothes is an easy question for us to answer at Tiffany Rose. We are proud to say that we design and manufacture each and every garment right here in the UK and have a network of trusted suppliers and manufacturing partners that we actively invest in and support. With a passion for making in Britain we also develop many of our fabrics in local British mills.
Find out more about making in Britain and our mission for sustainability.

Catégories: #about-us, #collections, #news,
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Fabriqué au Royaume-Uni

La collection Tiffany Rose est créée et fabriquée au Royaume-Uni
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À propos de Tiffany Rose
Tiffany Rose s'engage à vous offrir la possibilité de porter des vêtements sensationnels, élégants, ravissants et bien taillés tout au long de votre grossesse.
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