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Tiffany Rose Maternity
Lauréats du Queen’s Award
2013 et 2018
Tiffany Rose Maternity
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Robe Style Grec

Robe Style Grec



Guide des Tailles
Désolés, ce modèle n'est plus disponible.

Shorts de Maintien Sans Coutures Grossesse (Chair)

la description

Romanesque et romantique. La robe style grec représente une vision animée de mousseline de soie pure couleur ivoire, ornée d'une garniture vintage brodée.

Comme on a pu la voir sur Danielle Lloyd.

La mousseline froissée ivoire merveilleusement fraîche et vaporeuse offre, par son drapé et ses fronces, un authentique look grec.

Doublée de satin stretch ivoire doux et rehaussée d'une garniture brodée style antique dans des tons rose, vert et or.

La garniture brodée suit l'encolure flatteuse du haut et se prolonge pour former les bretelles. Ce détail astucieux est repris sur la fausse ceinture brodée qui met en valeur la taille empire.

L'élastique dissimulé au milieu du dos vous permet d'ajuster la robe pour assurer un confort optimal.

Parfaite pour toutes les occasion spéciales de l'été. Faites admirer votre magnifique décolleté avec un chignon ébouriffé.

Si vous n'êtes pas à la recherche d'une robe, jetez un œil à notre Haut style grec signature.

Composition et Entretien

Tissu principal: 100% polyester
Doublure: 100% polyester


Pays d'Origine
United Kingdom

Choisir la Bonne Taille

Étudiée pour s'adapter à votre morphologie tout au long de votre grossesse.
Nous vous recommandons de choisir votre taille habituelle.

Choisissez votre taille habituelle avant grossesse pour une coupe flatteuse.

Longueur de la jupe du dessous de la poitrine à l'ourlet: 74cm.Pour plus d'informations, merci de vous référer à notre guide de tailles ou bien de nous contacter.

Livraison et Retours

Standard (5-7 jours): €4.95
Express (2-3 jours): €14.95

Pour en savoir plus sur les livraisons, cliquez ici
Pour en savoir plus sur les retours, cliquez ici

Additional Images

Avis de nos clientes

Lindsey Niedenfuer, United States  

Beautiful dress, it's my favorite. Thank you for making me feel so glamorous and pretty whilst pregnant. My husband loves it too.
Candice Reay, United Kingdom  

I have been so impressed by the service of your staff and the quality of the dress I purchased from you for my wedding. Being 5 months pregnant and quite large I was so concerned beforehand but your dress made me look as beautiful as possible and felt so comfortable. I had endless complements. I was impressed by the quality, detail and even the packaging the dress came in. It was worth the money. The sales staff I spoke to, to help me purchase over the phone were brilliant. I was very disappointed with the service of staff and quality of another dress that I purchased from another company so was pleasantly surprised when your company outdone them. I wouldn't hesitate in recommending T R and would use them again.
Ann-Marie, United Kingdom  

The dress is so beautiful, I received a lot of compliments! The quality is amazing and I will definately be buying more dresses in the future!
Guadalupe Cabal, Monaco  

I bought the Grecian dress for my wedding ceremony this Summer. I will be 27 weeks pregnant at the time. When I tried it on, my fiance absolutely loved it. His exact words were, "You look like Mother Earth". This is a very different look for me. I usually wear very posh styles, so wearing something so ethereal is exciting for me!
Makenzie Simmon, United States  

Although it was very expensive, this dress had the distinction of being the only maternity dress I had seen that actually made me glad I was pregnant so that I buy it! I was not disappointed. Most maternity dresses are so dull it is painful parting with your cash for them but this one really is lovely!
Deborah , United Kingdom  

This was my 3rd order and 6th dress from Tiffany Rose. I am so pleased with the quality and fit of all of the gowns I have purchased. I am always surprised at how extremely fast the shipment arrives, considering it is an international purchase. Although some are pricey, they are worth it due to the excellent quality of material and construction. The dresses are classic, long lasting and fit a pregnant woman in all the right places to feel beautiful. I always receive compliments when I am wearing one of my Tiffany Rose dresses.
Melissa Stelnicki, United States  

Revues de presse

"Dressed in a floaty Grecian-inspired white dress and killer heels, Una Healy was radiant as she showed off her blooming baby bump at the Breaking Dawn premiere alongside her boyfriend Ben Foden."
Hello Magazine

"Channel your inner Grecian goddess in this angelic dress..."
Prima Baby Magazine

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